Friday 24 November 2023

Eye-tracking and Language Processing Conference, 2023, Athens

The Laboratory of Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics is organizing the Eye-Tracking and Linguistic Processing Conference (ELPC 2023) on the 7th and 8th December 2023 in the main Theatre of the School of Philosphy Library of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Eye-tracking methodologies are increasingly informing language research. Because of its high temporal resolution, eye-tracking can be used to explore on-line language processing non-invasively. Language processing research has used reading, visual world, and other paradigms. Furthermore, eye-tracking is increasingly being used for in-depth basic research as well as for diagnostic purposes in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. Education research has benefitted from eye-tracking for typical and atypical populations, and monolingual/bilingual populations.

The Eye-Tracking and Linguistic Processing Conference (ELPC 2023) is being organized within the scope of the ‘Language and Executive Functions Intervention Strategies in Language Disorders’ research project, funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (project code: H.F.R.I.-2992). The format of the conference will be hybrid, enabling both onsite and online participation.

Keynote speakers:



You can see the programme of the ELPC 2023 here.


Presentations Guidelines

Oral presentations

The duration of oral presentations will not exceed 30 minutes, including discussion and questions. A talk should, therefore, not exceed 20-25 minutes.

Oral presentation template

Poster presentations

The suggested size for each poster is 120 (height) x 90 cm (width) (47.2 X 35.4 in), but you may also create a smaller poster. The Organising Committee of the Conference will provide push pins and a display board to everyone having an onsite poster presentation. The online presentations will be hosted in Webex break rooms and the audience will be distributed equally to each one of the break rooms.

Each poster is part of a session and will remain in place for at least one hour. For best results, please set up your poster presentation 15 minutes before the scheduled time. Plan on an exciting interaction with your “audience”.

Poster presentation template

Accommodation options

Dining options